Suicide? Don’t do it, seek help...please!

Having seen it too many times there are a few things I have learned. You won't understand someone committing suicide because it is an extremely irrational decision. I personally believe that something takes over a persons mind who commits suicide and it is not actually the person you know that killed themselves. It is something that has never been understood and or ever will..... Scientist have not a clue about it.

Through the history of the human organism this has been a constant staple and records certainly confirm that statement. And I have personally seen one instance where the one person I think could catch someone before they did it missed it altogether. He will take it to his grave. When that happened it just confirmed my thoughts on suicide.

As for people who call them cowards, you are entitled to your opinion but most people have too much yellow running down their spine to do it. You are a bad SOB to take your own life. There is no turning back and an absolute action. And this is the big one. Once again, a rational person can't rationalize with it.

I personally hope to never know of anyone in my lifetime ever again who kills themselves. The emotional damage left behind for those left to pick up the pieces is something I hope to never visit again. But odds are someone else I know will end it on their terms or so to speak.....

Stay safe folks....