Suicide? Don’t do it, seek help...please!

The basic instinct of all Gods creations is to survive .
Unless you have and live with this illness. And it is an illness.
It's hard to comprehend what people who have it go thru.
No rational thinking person wants to end there life.
You have walk that road to understand it,, and it's a dark lonely road.
And that's what the OP is saying. Look for the signs in others.

Keep fighting Rob. Last thing any of us want to do is let our children believe
Ending it us the right thing to do.

I pointed out your words to me in the thread about Bourdain in the N&P.

Those words are still with me to this day.

You're right, of course. It's hard to comprehend what it is until you live it.

The irrational becomes rational. Once the thought of it hits it becomes all to real.

I used to fall asleep at night thinking that Karli would come home to find Nick screaming in his crib, Cyrus screaming for Daddy behind the baby gate that blocked his room, and my brains all over the wall.

The scary part is when the realization sets in to just do it. Don't tell anyone. Hammer back and go. Just that easy, just that quick, with no one around to stop you and without the stereotypical note.

I think that's one of the reasons I appreciate threads like this as it gets people talking, maybe with an eye towards understanding and not overlooking someone you may know.

Killer of it is, for some there is no warning, no signs, no visible evidence.

A former coworker of mine shot himself sitting in his tree stand. He had just won a rifle in a raffle and told his mom he was going to the range at the back of the property to site it in.

She heard a gunshot and thought nothing of it. It wasn't til she realized that was the only shot she heard. She found his body in his stand. He had a note in his pocket that simply said, "I'm sorry."

Sorry for what, no one knows.know killing himself? For something he felt that "made" him do it? For hiding something all this time? For his third DUI that was probably gonna cost him job?

Things like this affect me hard.

There but for the Grace of God...

So, when I had a fellow members telling me I should go ahead and kill myself, in the midst of fantasizing about it was a double whammy to how I was already feeling.

My marriage was coming apart at the seams. My life seemed to be going no where. The pain was endless. I just wanted the pain to stop.

Folks, don't be afraid to reach out and find someone to talk to. 911 can take you for a free ride to the local behavioral science unit. The hotline can help with the irrational thoughts that seem so rational.