Suicide? Don’t do it, seek help...please!

I will assume this is directed at my post (which you entirely misread). I am not stating that PTSD does not exist or linger due to actions that happen in the military. I am stating that the numbers that are being politicized as service-related suicides are not accurate. It is not fair or just for this emotional rhetoric to paint most service members as suicidal, hair-triggered, damaged goods when the factual REALITY is that the overwhelming majority of Veterans do not have PTSD or service-related mental illness.


Saying otherwise is a disservice to the majority of Veterans (myself included).

If we keep allowing this false narrative to continue we will soon see military service become a liability instead of an asset.

I stand corrected, I did misread/misunderstand. I am a huge believer that we need to do more for our service men and women. When they are in service and Definitely After.