Mines a 340 w 4 speed and 410 gears im about 425 horse. And im running rich at the moment also. Smh
>Aluminum or iron heads,lol. With iron, that points to a pretty big cam and some porting, and together with the 4.10s, there'll be no cruising her on the transfers,lol....... well maybe at 43 mph/2200rpm, with 50 to 56 degrees advance,lol.
>With aluminums, you can drop a cam or maaybe two, but 425hp is still gonna take a 235/240 cam, and if even if you run it at 190 psi, those 4.10s and the 70ish degrees of overlap are not conducive to making fuel mileage.
>However; 90miles to a tank has got to hurt,lol Point to point at 65 can probably be improved with a ton of advance, and then lean it out. You may have to re-engineer your PV channel restriction to get the power circuit back on track.
>But if your cylinder pressure is down around your ankles, that would probably be like flogging a dead horse.But it would be kindof hard to make 425 with cylinder pressure that low.
IDK man, that's why I don't run a 292/108, nor a 340.