Seems We've Lost Bill Dedman....

It's no problem, Harry. You should try Facebook. If you don't like it, you can delete your account. I use it primarily to keep in touch with family and friends that are not local to me. You can pick and choose what you see. It's for some people.....others not so much.

Thanks, Rusty. Much appreciated. I just thought that it would be more respectful of Bill not to get off topic here. That's why I deleted my priour comment.

Actually, I was thinking of contacting Bill in the near future to ask some questions I have about adding boost to an inline 6 that I am building. Only realized that he had passed when I read your thread here. Thanks for remembering him as you have. I could tell from his posts that he was a great guy and even though I never met him in person, I felt a great affinity for him.

Best regards,
