We sucked it up and got out the manual tools.... Compressors and air tools are what separate us from the animals...... those gaskets need to get here FAST.....
The Duster /6 K-Frame is out and ready to install into the dart. The Duster had nice lower control arms, the Dart has one with a sway bar bracket but the other one looked like someone hit a rock with it.... I will use the original Duster LCA, will have the girls drop them and the new bushings off at the machine shop tomorrow. Dave was optimistic he could have the UCA/LCA and V8 K-Frame cleaned and blasted by next Friday so we may be painting next weekend.
Kaelyn is looking forward to getting the Dart out of the garage and the Duster in so progress we make is getting is moving the Duster forward and not destruction of the Dart!