
I never saw a doctor, very good shape .Had a cardiac arrest last summer. 2 main arteries 90 % blocked .I was, as the doctor put it, a typical middled aged male since I dismissed warning signs. Tightness in your chest and/or shortness of breath when there shouldn't be are major warning signs. If you have one or both get checked .
I had complained to a doc about shortness of air.. he blew it off year before. Tired all the tie. .... fast forward to last summer. That weekend I had some tightness in the chest, I had been dragging being outside in Aug SE Tx heat and humidity, but couple times I came into the AC and cooled off and started to sweat for 5 minutes. I knew something wrong. I did not have a heart attack, but right at edge. I went to doc next day, he did an EKG and promptly wanted to call ambulance for the 35 mi ride. We drove, and the the hospital called the doc and blessed him out for not putting me on a chopper! LOL
I get the impression as we get into our senior years, the med only wants to be involved when they know there is a good bill to be had!!!!! They do enjoy the rotine trip to the doc for maintenance and get that $$ for doing nothing too!??