impact of modern muscle cars on the old car market

a 18 year old can take a pay check stub to a dealer, walk out with a 2015 to 2018 challenger with a loan and a 300 to 400 a month payment versus trying to get $3000 to $4000 to buy a rusty 72 challenger , then send an additional 10 to 12 thousand to rebuild it, the banks won't even talk to them about a 40 year old car and going in debt $15000 and to start a build they might not even finish, we all know the attention span of 18 year olds is having a shiny car and a girl on saturday night, they don't want to be a grease monkey,.I was raised poor, so if i was 18 again i would take the new callenger that i could make payments on versus staying broke and waiting 2 years to be able to finish a build.Now those of you that was born with a silver spoon and a dad and mom that can roll out the Ben Franklins to their kids, yea ,you may get them to take interest. A perfect example, my next door neighbor helped his son build a 67 chevy pickup, silver, and sounds great, but the boy told me he drives his moms toyota camray all he can because it easier on gas, not near as loud and handles on a wet road a lot better than the pickup. His dad has put the truck up for sale because the son likes the look of the new nissan coupe, said when they went 2 door in place of 4 he decided he wanted a black one. Long story short, the song "GLORY DAYS"come to mind, the reason the baby boomers like the 60s and 70s, it makes you remember that 1st date, drive in movies, and that 1st trip in the back seat with the right girl, you may deny it, but think back and you know its