Fun With Scammers...



69 Dart.. AKA Butters
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score
Over the past year or so I've been having a good amount of fun with scammers...

Like alot guys, I like to buy, sell and trade just about anything I can get my hands on and 99% of the time, I sell on Craigslist. Those of you that have sold tings on CL know that scammers will hit on anything.. cars, trucks etc. and it's pretty clear who the scammers are when they contact you. They ask the condition regardless of your description, if you're the first owner yada yada. It used to really annoy me and I'd reply in some obscene way.

About a year ago, I thought what the hell.. let's see what happens. I gladly gave a scammer my name and address and waited for his check to arrive. Would you believe that he overnighted it? The check was for way more than the selling price to "Cover Shipping". I was supposed to cash and use the excess $$ to pay to ship it to them. I had no intentions of trying to cash it but it was so much fun, I did it again.. and again! I look at like they're wasting their time and money on me.. instead of someone else that may fall for it. SO maybe I save a little old lady here or there.. who knows? But basically the scam is to get you deposit this fake check and you pay to ship it only to find out weeks later that the check was a phony.

Most recently I placed some "Big *** Fans" on CL for a ridiculous price at first just to see how stupid these guys really are. Checks are rolling in for $14,000 and $18,000 LOL. I think once I have enough checks, I'll frame them and try to cover a wall in my shop :)

ANybody else like to waste scammers time and $$
Some must have a program that picks up on all new postings. Almost guaranteed within 10 minutes of me putting something on, I get a text message from an obvious scammer asking about a check payment. Even though I stated CASH in the add.
Some must have a program that picks up on all new postings. Almost guaranteed within 10 minutes of me putting something on, I get a text message from an obvious scammer asking about a check payment. Even though I stated CASH in the add.

Waste their time and money.. It costs them $$ to overnight those fake checks and takes time. Maybe if enough people scam the scammers, they'll become less prevalent
Over the past year or so I've been having a good amount of fun with scammers...

Actually you are "not." When they get hits like this it reinforces the notion that they are being successful, and they continue. BEST thing to do is NEVER call or email them back, and if it is a reportable crime, do so.
Actually you are "not." When they get hits like this it reinforces the notion that they are being successful, and they continue. BEST thing to do is NEVER call or email them back, and if it is a reportable crime, do so.
I tend to disagree.. but hey, it's the internet right? It's only a succeess if it makes them money, not cost
I would agree that absorbing some of their time and energy is a positive step. The real key is finding out how to get them spun up and cause them some significant pain. It upsets me to think that these worthless POS’s think this is ok and worth doing. They need to be eradicated.
There's one that says he's located in CInci.. which isn't far. Thought about telling him that I'll be passing through and can deliver free of charge. Doubt he's really in CInci tho..
In most states they have a "Bad check law" and here it states the check writer pays double the amount of a bad check.
Accept the checks, then hire a private investigator to find them.
On a bad 14,000 check you could end up with 28,000 and/or a lien on everything they own.
It could end up being worth the trouble.
Well I guess you scammed me into responding to you so I will give you that. I have no idea what you are referring and to be honest don't really care. If you are actively scamming people, you will reap the rewards at some point. If on the other hand you are just trying to stir up some crap, well I guess you succeeded.
In most states they have a "Bad check law" and here it states the check writer pays double the amount of a bad check.
Accept the checks, then hire a private investigator to find them.
On a bad 14,000 check you could end up with 28,000 and/or a lien on everything they own.
It could end up being worth the trouble.

Not sure that law applies in Indiana.. But wouldn't that be SWEET! Also not sure how it applies to checks that aren't really associated with any real bank or bank acct. They're printed off copies and don't have watermarks. Still against the law but I don't believe that I would have any financial gain. But it sure would be nice to figure out how to really ruin their day.
Not sure that law applies in Indiana.. But wouldn't that be SWEET! Also not sure how it applies to checks that aren't really associated with any real bank or bank acct. They're printed off copies and don't have watermarks. Still against the law but I don't believe that I would have any financial gain. But it sure would be nice to figure out how to really ruin their day.

A bad check is a bad check.
It would not matter if it's a legal document drawn on any bank or not.
That would just add forgery, conspiracy and fraud to their charges.
Then of course there is the part where they sent it through the mail, and that's Federal fraud charges.

The laws are already out there and clearly defined.
It's just too much trouble generally for law enforcement to find the perp.
You would do that part.
Well I guess you scammed me into responding to you so I will give you that. I have no idea what you are referring and to be honest don't really care. If you are actively scamming people, you will reap the rewards at some point. If on the other hand you are just trying to stir up some crap, well I guess you succeeded.

Just having fun is all.
In most states they have a "Bad check law" and here it states the check writer pays double the amount of a bad check.
Accept the checks, then hire a private investigator to find them.
On a bad 14,000 check you could end up with 28,000 and/or a lien on everything they own.
It could end up being worth the trouble.

...........or just turn them over to the authorities...........
Got a bad check. Ended I court . I got a judgment. Chased them for three years getting a couple hundred each time. Finally got REALLY lucky and got my initial loss. The authorities of no help between. All the judgment did was to affirm my right to try to get my loss. NO two or three times the amount of the check,no interest on that money for three years, no attorney fees and no reimbursement for the chase costs. Still ended up with some loss. If anyone thinks it's easy ,THI K AGAIN !!! Ask me how I know .
And most of these scammers are out of the country, so basically there is zero you can do about it.
I used to do this until I learned that they're paying to overnight the bad check with another bad check, thus raising shipping costs for all of us. is a good one. I never managed to get any trophy like those guys do.