
I feel we all think about passing at one time or another, some of us more than others. The thing I used to worry about is also the ones that go on living... what will they do, will they suffer for my passing? And ultimately, my answer is no, not in the long run. They will grieve, but they will go on living without me, and they will survive without me, and eventually they will go through the same questioning of life and death as humans have been doing for as long as there have been humans. I have a daughter, she is married. I want to be there for her forever, but I won't be. However, I know that she will be okay, because she knows how much I love her. And I don't really believe that I will be gone forever from her in the long run. I plan on hovering/watching over her life when I get to the next phase of whatever is after this life of mine.

When my mother passed in January, my daughter and I discussed funerals and such. She plans on having me cremated. As she put it, she "doesn't want to stick me in the ground somewhere and then move away and leave me behind if she ends up across the country." She said she will "carry me from house to house to where ever she lives." I thought that was a nice sentiment on her part and it made me smile as it let me know that when my time comes she will be okay with it.

I guess what gets me through is just thinking that millions of humans have passed away before me and millions will after me, and the only thing that matters is that those who are important to me knew I loved them.