impact of modern muscle cars on the old car market

those guys are choosing to buy modern muscle. they are enjoying the cars instead of dumping thousands into classics that are years from being done only to be afraid to drive the damn things once done... just the way it is.. you don't have to like it

To use a partial quote, not that I don't pretty much agree, BUT with me, it does not take me years and never afraid to drive it,
Being retire poor, I have the time but lack $$ generally, but I always have a plan. I get it done cheaply one way or another But I rarely pay for any work, just parts and pieces. I Get it running down the road safely, then fix all rust and smooth out the welds, prime and seal it, and keep driving it as I work on it. Only time I tended not to drive a perfect restored car was back in the 90's when I was always restoring a E or B body that was worth a few $$. I hated to get a gravel peck and someone coming to look at it, bitched and claimed they would have to repaint the whole car. BS!! I came close to strangling those types!!

I agree modern cars in general are throw away cars. A 3/4 up truck will hold up longer than any light weight , and If a diesel it will run forever (Cummins that is)... sad world of throw away and immediate gratification, and worthless built chit in some cases????.

As a side note, today I went to get Tx. insurance on my 95 1 t. dodge Cummins, they would only write liability! Funny part is last year, the lumber yard was loading a bundle of lumber into the back of this truck with a forklift, the Mex, slammed it all into the bed, the bed into the cab f---ing it up pretty good. So their ins. paid me. co. wrote it off as a total loss, gave me $6500 and I kept the truck. I fixed it for $500. No doubt I can sell this trck for $7-8000 if I wanted , but the friggin Tx. will not write collision because it is TOO old and worthless! LOL FUNNY how Missouri would write full coverage!!! LOL YES I light my *** off