impact of modern muscle cars on the old car market

It definitely doesn't help that the average American has horrible dieting and exercise habits... eat healthy and work out a few times a week and you won't have to worry about your body giving out at 50. My dad's 51 and works out every day, he can run 5 miles or bench press 200+ lbs at the drop of a hat; definitely motivates me to keep going to the gym and I'm only 27. I want to still be able to crawl under a car and wrench when I'm old enough to retire because that's how I plan to spend the vast majority of my retirement lol.
Wow thats great your dad can be that active at 50. I am 49. My wife and i have an eating right diet plan. Some stuff is more healthy than others. I had a #6/7 vertebra fusion in my neck a few years back. Pinched nerves making my hands not cooperate. I was getting numb feelings in my hands , dropping stuff. Got that fixed. Inly get random twitching in my left shoulder and bicep once in awhile. Cant turn my neck as far. Minor annoyances.

Had a bulge in my lower back disc trimmed last summer. It was pushing on my left leg, and wreaking havoc. Could not walk without dragging it. Got that patched up only get minor random twitches in my left calf, again minor annoyances. I keep my wallet in my front pants pocket now to keep my lower spine even. It slowed me down a little bit.

My knees are not too hot either. Spent 18 years crawling around in aircraft doing sheetmetal structure repairs. Impact aerobics es no bueno for me. I now run a sheetmetal shop at the overhaul facility i work at. So most of what i do now is work at a computer, direct my minions as i call the guys who work for me, and deal w parts, scheduling, and people issues

I ride my bike daily if i can, plus i do as much walking as i can in the facility where i work. I protect my knees by not lifting too much weight. Working smarter, not harder. Explained to my wife that sex is great for the heart, a total aerobic workout. Keeps a person young looking, and all the great bennies with it. Told her it will help us to live longer etc. All of which is true. Lots of bennies to it. So not to go any further with that, i keep pretty active LOL. It also helped that i found a good article about it for her to read.

I look at it this way, when the speculators get out of em, then prices will go down, and maybe i can get another 68-70 B body to enjoy before i die.