impact of modern muscle cars on the old car market

Did they? Seems to me like a ton of kids back in the day bought the “modern” muscle of the time to modify, go racing and to take to cruise ins. Kinda like what a lot of modern modern muscle owners are doing with them.
Yeah sure i agree with that but only partially. Most people bought them back then as everyday transportation. Slant 6, 318 and 340 cars typically kinda like the V6 and 5.7 hemi challengers are now. Out of all the volume produced yearly. The ones who bought these cars new to show boat em around is a drop in the bucket. Most people back then, like now dont have and didnt have the disposable income ro buy something and not use it daily. Notice i didnt say ALL, i said MOST.

Lots of guys coming back from vietnam with a bit of cash in their pocket picked the hot versions of these cars. But the reality is most were bought as daily transportation. Most of the hot versions were either beaten on an abused by the young people who bought em playing ricky racer and using em as amateur drag cars, and most were discarded when the first oil crisis hit. In the 70s you almost couldent give one of em away. The slanty, and small block cars got ok to decent mileage and people kept em around, but they were general transportation.