
Quite the experience.

I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling I can only describe as nostalgia. Like when you go back home after a long time away.
I felt no pain, no fear, only the feeling of nostalgia, with a strong feeling of contentment, of satisfaction.
Then suddenly it was gone, suddenly I was not dead anymore. The sensation I woke too is what I imagine it’s like to be crushed by a pallet of 2x6’s.

Had a similar experience with a near fatal motorcycle accident. As my body lay unconscious in the street I was very much aware of what was going on. I experienced a level of peace and calmness I had never experienced before. Utopic. I was talking and refused to go as I turned to see myself on the ground. Instantly, I woke to a world of pain and hurt, medics, and a copter. Fractured skull, broken nose, broken teeth, face tore up, broken arm, wrists, dislocated fingers, torn ligaments etc. Aside from the initial pain becoming conscious the pain never passed a level of tolerable through recovery. The doctors were amazed I wasn't asking for pain meds.

I don't believe I'll fully ever understand as I'm not the Bible thumping believer type and I don't usually talk about it much. I was shown mercy to live another day for some reason. Death, I no longer fear and I look at quite a few things including the Bible differently since.