
I am 67, and I admit that sometimes I wonder about death. I think, for me, I mainly think about the unknown factors such as where, when, and how. I could get hit by a drunk driver tomorrow, or die peacefully in my sleep at 100. I hear you say you "guess" you are religious and that you go to church. I wonder about the word "guess". I always tell people that the best way to not be afraid (I realize you did not say afraid) of dying is to get right with the Lord. In the New Testament, Jesus said that the only way to the Father was through him. So to be assured a spot in Heaven, don't "guess", be sure. That will bring you a lot of peace. The other thing I will suggest that will bring peace is to tie up all loose ends. Get a proper will, and make sure the wife and daughter have a complete list of all bank account numbers, Life Insurance policy numbers, investment account numbers, etc. It also isn't a bad idea to put your daughter's name on everything (assuming trust is not an issue). That will surely simplify things after you are gone. I also worry about what my wife would do if I died suddenly. I try to make sure she can do everything that I think is important by herself. Try not to dwell on it. Get right with the Lord and get your affairs in order. That will be a relief.

Hear you brother. When I say I guess I'm religious, the guess is what others may say about me. In my heart I know he is with me always, even though I'm a sinner. I think this whole thing came about with losing an old friend and my granddaughters birth. He just slipped away without warning. The birth of my granddaughter really woke me up to how much I want to remain here, and I think you can't help thinking about the other side of that. I have given my daughter all the account numbers she will need, and she will need to help her mother if I go first, as I have always had to handle those things. The house I need to set up so transfer will be easier without the tax man getting involved. I always pray for peace of mind, and will leave it in His hands.