Old Cuda,
Not sure where you are on sorting out the wiring harness but if you want i have mine sorted out to the essentials and I could take pix or send you a PM note with a list of the ones you actually need. You may be way handier at that then I was but that portion really ate up a lot of skull sweat for me. I am not an electrician by any means. There is just so many things to do it is almost overwhelming. I just nibble away each weekend. I got some really great advice from a FABO member early on when I was bouncing around and not really finishing anything. He reeled me back in with the same story and explained once he quit bouncing and made a determined effort to finish a task at a time the progress really improved! Sage advice I can assure you. The members input on here is invaluable to you as you progress. I look forward to following the evolution of your rig. And feel free to ping me anytime!