Many New Cars Have No Spare Tires

Flat stories....I rode my Honda Express 50cc scooter to school one day (college days of 4.50 gas and it was kinda fun) and I get a flat on the way home. Well I just happened to have a bike tube kit under the seat and a little 10 speed pump. so I pull the tube out just where the nail is, the wheel is still on the scooter, and Im able to stretch it flat and put a patch on it. I stuff it back in and air it worked! 1 mile later, i get ANOTHER flat! This time its a friggin golf tee I picked up driving in the gutter. I fix it again and I make it home to wake the next morning (saturday) with the front tire flat. F this......2 new tires and slime in the tubes. I was stopped at a light in my first 65 and the front tire blew out, just a pop and the car settled onto the rim. WTH? and I had a spare...;-)