Stop in for a cup of coffee


Still dealing with the work madness. Senior management was put on work restriction of no more than 1 day per week of active duty as of today. The rest of us are on hold for the next 3 weeks while they figure out if they can get a buyer for the technology and the people who make it work.

It’s just another typical delaying tactic to keep us chained to the place. The message is simple, find another job and forget the severance...or stay captive and wait it out. :BangHead:

I am lining up my options and watching closely. If they lay me off with severance at the beginning of August, I am good with that...even the beginning of September. After that, not so much.

Fall and holiday season is a crappy time to be unemployed while trying to get something going. But I have the resources to weather that if it is what it eventually comes to.

I just hate sitting around waiting to be proactive on what I want to do next. In the meantime, I will keep on pushing my options.