Modifying 68 barracuda hood mount signal housings

I have these 68 barracuda hood mount turn signals i want to use on my sons 69 coupe. Not even sure if these were offered on the 69 barracuda, or if they are 68 only. They are fairly pitted up. Beyond rechroming however still useable, and i dont really want to replace the outer housings with new.

I was never a fan of em being chromed either. I dunno why except it just always seemed like an afterthought added to the hood IMHO. I like the look of the later body colored ones better. So being they were pitted up they took a trip to the sand blaster to strip them, and clean out the pitting.

At this time i decided to file off and remove the lower charactor line on the housings, and smooth and round off the angular edges to soften their look a bit. I plan on filling the cleaned out pitted spots w JB weld and bodywork it before applying some fluid resistant epoxy etch primer. Already primered the inside. Heres pix showing the one i am reworking next to the stock unmodified one. If i could modify them to ditch the visible back screw hole i would do that too.

So tell me whatcha think.




