
So, my mom is going through dementia. The old man covered for her for a lot longer than we knew and when he passed, we've been left to deal with it.

Anybody going through this with a family member? Any advice or insight?
My grandmother has been going thru it now for nearly 15 years, they caught it early and got her on some medication to slow it right off but the last 18 months, especially the last 12 have been very tough. She had a stroke a year ago now and lost her ability to use the bathroom, so she's in diapers. Her communication skills are on the same level as a 18month to 2 yr old toddler's. My son, who's 2, and her get along great, they seem to be able to communicate and no one else knows what they are saying. We might get 1 word in 10 that shes actually trying to say. It's very very hard. All you can do is hug her and treasure whatever moments you can. Take lots of pictures, especially if the kids/grandkids/greatgrand kids etc are interacting with her. There's no stopping or reversing it.