I suggest wrapping the starter instead to keep the heat away from it. You can even find a good product at your local O'Rielly's Auto Part made by DEI called "Starter Shield" that uses velcro. I wrap it up a couple of times with the excess and use some bailing wire to secure it. Mainly because I don't have any of those fancy SS Straps around. They are certainly a better choice of you have them. But, it needs to be pretty long to get around the whole starter and solenoid assembly.
A normal and very big issue with headers on street cars is a "Heat Soaked" starter. That better you shield it from heat the less chance of you getting stuck. :(
On the good news side, it isn't permenant. You can sit around and wait for things to cool off then try it again.
FYI: A remote solenoid isn't the answer. Because slow cranking occurrs after the solenoid has already been activated and functional. The "Heat Soak" is the starter motor. Higher heat makes up higher resistence.