Eddy valve spring bushings?

My engine ain't all that, but she's sure willing. And the combo is dynomite.
If I could, I'd like to take every one of you for a spin, one by one of course.
I'm gonna dump the clutch at 3500, wind her up to 7000, and keep the tach there to 80/90 mph. You will not see the needle drop, nor hear the engine bog down, nor be able to lean forward. The car will go where ever I point it. The rear will not step out on it's own. It will be like being shot out of a cannon, a torpedo tube, faster than a rocket launcher.
And those screaming dual 3s will not disappoint.
Down at the end I'm gonna hit the brakes, just because, and in a 68 there is no shoulder belt, so your chest will slam your head forward and it will come dangerously close to the thin dashpad. If you had hands on the pad, your arms will crumple under the strain.
Then I'm gonna do a couple of victory figure eights down there, sending your body flailing from side to side and your helmet will hit the side window glass .
Then I'm gonna take you on a 200ft, 360 degree, near full-lock, second or second and a half gear, power slide, again with the pipes screaming. It's gonna be CCW so I don't have to deal with you being in my lap. Maybe we'll go 'round twice.When we come out of it;
I'm gonna dance the rear end left and right a few times,and you better still be wearing a helmet, cuz you won't be able to control where your head is gonna be for the next couple of seconds.
After that I'm gonna make it up as I go; some lefts, some rights, some sudden brake applications, and a lotta slides. A lotta slides.
When we get back to base, you will either have have the silliest looking grin on your face,be giggling like a schoolgirl, and for many seconds you will forget you are wearing the stoopid yellow snowmobile helmet, OR, I will have to tug you outta the front seat and help you sit down, OR, you will be shampooing my passenger seat for the next guy, AND, you are likely to be a little sore the next day. We can do that time after time, all afternoon. Few of you will want a second go-round. But you are gonna have one heck of a memory.
But I digress,lol.