340 Piston Selection

Since i was dragged back in here by Rose,yes they are a performance head that fits most stock parts.

They are good heads,its just that recess in the 340 version that is stupid since its made for a piston that no one that builds a new engine wants to use if it can be avoided. The regular RPM head is a better option in the first place for anyone that gets new pistons anyway,however those will have to end up being cut aswell or get pistons with some oddball dome to make the compression you desire with a little 340 cube engine its just part of the nature of these small engines.

It takes alot of confirmning specs on parts,thinking,measuring and matching parts to build an engine right in the first place,dont feel intimidated by it,it might seem alitle overwellming at first but you will figure it out.

Im out for now :)
Ten 4 thank you Hoss