Quick questions

I finally have the 73 duster I grew up riding in. Been trying to get it out of my brother for years. It was a sharp car last time it drove but not so much anymore. He has his dream car now anyways (70 coronet) It should really be a parts car but its to sentimental to me. It needs a roof awfully bad. Its swiss cheese. Factory sunroof car mudded over and vinyl covered. I pulled the vinyl off and its bad, nothing left. I'm going to fill all holes with silkaflex and seal it just to save it for now. I peaked through a hole in the headliner and can see galvanized roof steel for supports haha. I have acquired a 70-72 parts car from a guy (he couldn't remember year off hand) but it has a perfect donor roof. Using this will I have to save the bows and use a soft headliner? or can I still use a later one with it? How about the metal sail panels? The 73s isn't bad but just curious on using the older metal ones instead. Thanks in advance.