Summer Race Announcement...This Will Happen

We should give them some kind of Trail teaser of some sort LOL I mean they should take into consideration how much money will have to spend to make this happen? We do live 4 hours away from each other and someone will have to trailer back and forth. I can't imagine how much gas money that would cost? Also are entry fees for the day? Also are gas For the race? We sure will be doing a lot for the entertainment of a bunch of people who can't seem to do nothing but doubt and put us down? Maybe there should be some kind of reimbursement of some kind for us since we're spending so much time and money? I mean do you have a for a bodies only t-shirt? I don't? Do you have a gold membership? I know I don't. Would the Forum have us representing them without gold memberships in without official t-shirts?
Certainly nobody will be paying an entry fee or actually driving to go see it or flying to go see it or anything like that?
Sounds like a massive expense for the two of us ?

Ok, let's see if I have this straight........... you want us to reimburse you for a for a race you instigated, haven't set a date for or place of action; THAT'S FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's like a Craig's list scam..........send me money then I'll race.........
How are we supposed to get this re-imbursment to you?? I can't even get an address to send you that fly swatter you keep cryin' for
"T" shirt?? several months ago I offered you an exclusive "T" shirt, you never even responded to my PM, how rude