Engine died during break-in

Here's how to test the coil since it's out of the car;
Lay a strip of cardboard or other electrically insulated material on the fender. Go find a big flat-bastard file and lay it on the cardboard.
Jumper battery volts to the coil positive.
Ground the file to the battery negative.
Insert the hi-tension coil wire and near ground it to the file; about .25; .375 is better.
Grab another Jumper and one end goes onto the coil negative, while you hold onto the other end.
Now just drag that free end over the file, fairly rapidly, don't stop! Keep it moving, while watching the coil wire.
You should be seeing a stream of sparks.
This is how I test an inductive coil.
Didn't I tell you jumpers are your friend,lol. Your jumpers should be at least 14ga,
If anyone is interested as to what the problem was it was a bad engine to firewall ground. I had cleaned both contact ends and tested the wire for continuity but evidently the wire itself was bad because I replaced it with a parts store braided ground strap and finally got spark to the plugs. Was previously getting spark from coil wire but not to plugs. Very strange that the ground wire gave out while the engine was running. Thank goodness problem finally solved. Thanks everybody for your help.