Bleeding Saginaw Power Steering Pump
This is what I've done in the past. Do not start the engine until the system is fully bled. Doing so may cause damage to the power steering components. Pump internals are metal on metal. Any air in the system can cause metal to metal contact and damage. Raise the front wheels off the ground, turn steering wheel fully to the left. Fill fluid reservoir to “full cold” level. Leave cap off. With a helper checking the fluid level and condition, turn the steering wheel slowly and smoothly lock to lock until fluid level drops in pump reservoir. If fluid level has not dropped, no fluid has moved through the system. This normally indicates air in the reservoir or pump. Until this air is gone, no fluid will circulate through the system. Do not turn the steering wheel fast as this will cause the fluid to overflow the reservoir. Trapped air may cause fluid to overflow. Check fluid constantly to ensure proper level and that no bubbles exist. If you see any signs of bubbles, recheck all connections then repeat the steps above.Fluid level should be steady