Slant six intake manifold flanges, anyone got a cad file?
That ebay listing doesn't state if they're made from steel, or aluminium.
Plus I'm in New Zealand. By the time I got them sent here and took a hit on the dismal exchange rate getting them cut locally will definitely work out cheaper.
Here's a picture of the carbs I'm. Going to use. Based on the engine they came off, they should be spot on size/jetting wise for a 225. Plus every Chrysler in line six (225, and the hem six) that I've ever run headers on has had an awful off idle.stumble due to the loss of the hotbox. Plus the Australian made Carters (made under license by email) were very hit and miss. The absence of an accelerator pump on these carbs also makes them very frugal on gas. (When they're driven nicely)