64 Valiant 440 build

Wow! It’s been a while since I’ve posted any updates. Well, I’ve made a lot of progress, but here’s what’s most recent.

I pop riveted a custom aluminum rear firewall from Russ at Racetech Motorsports in Portland. Managed to keep all of the seat mounting brackets!

Any suggestions on how to really seal up any exposed areas in the firewall and speaker tray? I’ve seen people use that expanding construction foam, but yellow doesn’t look good. I found a black foam used for filling cracks in pond rocks.... Does the firewall have to be completely sealed off?View attachment 1715184629View attachment 1715184630View attachment 1715184631
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How big are the GAPS? we use Urethane /Sikaflex at work to bond panels, strong as f,,k! Same stuff they use for modern windscreens.