How do you know when to give up - on a sick kitty

I'd agree that depending on Jeffreys quality of life, and your financial capabilities keep him happy and comfortable. We've had to say goodbye to a couple of our cats over the last few years, its tough. We've got a 13yo golden retriever too. He's on meds for seizures, thyroid and arthritis. About $200 a month. He's a VERY happy dog though and as long as he's comfortable and not suffering, we do whatever we can to keep him that way. We aren't well off by any means, and there's always too much month at the end of the money, but he's our boy and we love him. Glad to hear you've all put in so much effort to care for your fur babies and don't give up when they really need you!!!0306170838a.jpg 0306170838a.jpg