Ebay twin turbo setup Checklist...Turbo a SBM for under $1000? :)

With a twin setup, does the air from the compressor "Y" into the intercooler or does the intercooler have two inlets for the duel turbo setup and one outlet going to the engine? I couldn't quite tell from the pictures.

So it seems cheap but I will tell you that it adds up quickly. It's all of the "little stuff" that sends it through the roof. Have a look at my buddy Larry's Fitech injected, twin turbo 318. What FiTech doesn't tell you is that you will need a complete fuel injection fuel system (not included) and if you want to run timing control you will need a locked out magnetic pickup distributor. These are just a couple of things. I speak from experience as well as I have a FiTech as well. There are ways around the high priced parts if you are creative. Good LuckView attachment 1715163437 View attachment 1715163438