Treatment for cancer is kicking my ***

I am on my 11th treatment. 21 to go. getting harder to breath at night. Eating sucks. Been working on the Duster's to keep my mind off of the pain. Friends have been stopping by. Its encouragement. But the more I have been talking the worse it gets at night.

My oldest daughter is an angel. She is the only one in my family that really tells it like it is . The grandsons, The oldest is three. They make all agony from the treatments worth it. 2 from my youngest daughter are living here in my house now.

The Harley is parked can't breath in the cold air anymore. It was fun while it lasted

Satan has really been testing me . God must have a reason.

I have not had a break in the last 7 years so no matter which way things go just not having pain will be a relief. I pray at night while sitting up alone . It helps me keep going until the kids wake up in the morning. Sometimes I make noise to wake them up early

Just thought I would let you all know where I have been and why I have not been on here as much. Pics of the kids. Steve

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How’s it going Steve?