I would take them in no problem Mark, our give them my motor home but they got everything they need and don't want my help. The sheriff was there and couldn't find anything wrong with the way they are living. The kids think it's great camping out and it is just through the summer. They have a shower and toilet and washer and dryer and even TV. They live about 20 miles from me and they know they have a place to stay at my house.
I think most people would have turned me in to the State when I raised my kids because when my oldest was 13 I moved out of a new house and built a cabin in the mountains in Washington State and showed my kids how to live without the internet and we lived there for 5 years without power or all the things that people think we need. My kids have good memories back then and was the best time of or life, I would come home from work and we would all stay up late telling bed time stories under candle light.