So i got a console setup i pieced together for the 69. It came with a console and buckets from the factory. Ricky racer sawsalled all the brackets out and punched a jagged hole for a cable.
The console top plate i have somebody drilled holes for a tachometer mount it looks like, and a larger hole for an oil pressure gage. I dont really want to spend money for a set of repops at this time, along with repops for the gage bezels because thats about $1200 that could be spent elsewhere, and these parts can be replaced easily later on. So the plan is to paint these parts semigloss black and use carbon fiber decal inserts from DMT instead of woodgrain.
Problem was the big assed hole in the console top plate. I ended up gluing and riveting some aluminum plate to the underside and using JB weld like body filler. It still needs sanding, and etch primer. Eventually i will paint it and decal it. This makes a good temporary solution.