A different Q on 340 Vs 416

Having driven an Eddie-headed 367 since 2004, with a 230* cam and 10.9Scr, as you can see I'm in no hurry to change it. It goes 93 in the 1/8' with no tuning and a 2.4+ 60ft; at 3467# wet and race ready, for the one and only successful run, it ever made . Fun as heck with a 4 speed and a 10.97 starter gear. That would be similar to a hi-comp 340 with a 2.45 low,that frisky TC, and probably 3.73s.
I also like it cuz it's a jump-in-and-go anywhere/anytime, almost zero maintenance, combo.
Whatever you decide,
Happy Hotrodding.

At your 3185 weight, that 340 could be built with a smaller cam to rival the low-rpm performance of my 367 which is 3650 me in it, in street trim. As A streeter, I have run just about every gear from 2.76s to 4.88s behind that engine, and I can tell you that I think just enough gear to initiate tirespin is where I like to be; then let the torque do the rest. I'm not the rev-it up-and slip-it-out kindof guy, to get moving. Oh sure once underway I like to hear 7000 for 5 or 6 seconds, and then it's shut-down time cuz the 367 is probably speeding, and AJ don't get speeding tickets in this car, not since.... ever.