Lifter replacement

I have never had a problem with valves "hanging open." Way back in the '70's I had owned Chivvys and remember the lash.......oil all over.......and preload 1/4 turn at a time.

One day it occurred.......MOPARS don't adjust, ??whut?? I used to just bolt them on and let them sit for 15 min or so. Bump the starter a couple of times, and let it sit again for 10-15. NEVER on startup did I have a valve hang that I'm aware of.

So far as the OP's problem I would sure as HELL attempt to clean these if they are new lifters. Pull them apart and flush them out. In fact in might be worth the trouble to NOT pull down the engine first, and try some REALLY light oil, first, along with a "big" can of something like Rislone