And so it starts... 340 build

Does it matter where you put the hole? Or do you just center it in the plug?
I centered the hole.
But we know it will be done right. Ready to watch a master at work.
Well thanks but like I said, this is just a refreshing. I don’t call this “My build.”

When the time comes, I will show “My Build.” Currently, I would have to simply call my position, “Stuck.” LMAO!

I did run into a problem with this one and I do think it is my fault. I left it laying around for to long and gathered more parts which may have gotten mixed up!


Tomorrow I will have to revisit the machinist and check 4 other blocks. And in the meantime.... to make matters worse (?) I started to disassemble another 340. Yup! 2 has n the plate. Perhaps, I should have taken pictures of that tear down as well!
More chaos !!!!!

Stay tuned, this maybe a slow go until the wrinkles get ironed out. I’ll be honest, I thought I had this. As proven by a threads start.
How does the saying go? Chit happens?