71 Dart / 5.9 Magnum / Procharger

Update: Was at PTC at 7 a.m. this morning when they opened. We tore the tranny down to see what failed. Broke the sprag which in turn broke the case. My dumb *** didn't get a picture. Since the case was broken he talked me into going 727.

He is building me a 727 and a custom converter. He gave me a small block 727 core and building the converter at no charge. He hopes to have it done by Tuesday so I can go get it and put it back in to make a race next Saturday.

Going with a RMVB so I think I'm going to grind my detent on the stock column shifter so I can still run it. Have to get my driveshaft shortened. Anybody know how much longer the 727 is than the 904?

Again, this feels like drag week before drag week.
where are you planning on racing saturday?