Good places to retire? Sorry-long

Mile high,

You left out a few requirements for your wants I, I NEED/Want X. I NEED/want to be with in 30 minutes of town etc. my budget is X.
A hierarchy of those wants and needs would probably help someone give a suggestion.

Good luck!

Freakin hell yea! That will help a lot.

My wife and I sat down and made a list of needs and wants for our house search. I told her to put “Must Have” on the left. We compared notes and off we went. We found our “Must Have’s” in the house we have but did miss a few of the lists “We would REALLY LIKE TO HAVE” mentions on the list.

The must have for me, it was a 2 car garage and a big back yard close to work, bank, auto parts store & a supermarket. Bamm baby!

Retirement will require a few changes, or, should I say, additions. We’re mulling over what is out there now and what we think we would like. She is in a catch 22 on the matter. Not sure on being inland or on the shore. Me? IDGAF. More garage space would be nice! LMAO!!!!