Last one to post in this thread wins!

Drove semi today I loaded at where my son in law works and we gave each other a bad time till the truck was filled. I love my son in law great kid and the semi I drive is his and I always tell him that when I get in a tight spot I close my eyes so not to get my blood pressure up and hope for the
Good day driving today almost killed one person that passed me and got back in my lane then slammed on the breaks to turn, that happens a lot and sure wish people would have to take a course driving a loaded semi and try to stop fast, not going to happen.
Most semi drivers hate cars and most cars hate semis, sure would like to take people that don't know how to drive semi for a ride in one so they understand what it's like.
And I know there are a lot of semi drivers out there that are mean and nasty, but not all of us are.
I have worked on and driven semi and trailers. I have nearly killed a lady once for stopping within 100 feet of a yellow light while I was behind her bobtail. People will never respect a semi and know the damage it can make.