Poor SL-6 Gas Mileage

Points can work...but i use them drive a ferd tfi module. It was their electronic ignition from the 80s into the 2000s.

Ferd used a hall effect distributor to drive the module. Module sets the dwell and uses a high ouput coil.

Well, module doesnt care if it sees a - square wave or the - signwave from my points. Just pull the condenser and voila.
Basically, pulls all the current out of the points and the tfi does the hard work. Mounted it on a heat sinc. Any thing with points can drive it...

Super reliable, (ferd did mount them on distibutors early on but changed it because heat was killing the modules) and i got modules from junk yard. Keep one as a spare. Just incase. And use an accel 75kv coil.