fast and how plain before it is one?

A sleeper, in my book, looks stock, as stock as possible and runs like your *** is on fire and then some.

Once you put bigger tires in the car, you loose the sleeper sneak attack. Wider tires with a minimal sized difference would not be a cause of alarm or concern for myself. Also exhaust, The quieter, the better for a sleeper. While you mention speed, it isn’t Paramount that it’s like be 9 seconds quick, just a HELL of a lot quicker that you have a thought it would be considering it’s near stuck appearance.

I think a great example of what a sleeper looks like but runs is a FAST category car. Though that is t the end all to what a sleeper can be. The more the car deceives it’s abilty, the more of a sleeper it is.

Your big tire car is NOT a sleeper. It is an advertiser!