School Discipline Finally Flies Back to the Future

Kids are really getting big these days, aren't they?

At least in my state they are:

Obesity in Children of Los Cabos and Baja California Sur is Alarming. So What Are We Doing About It?
Date Published: 5/27/2013 With an alarming 38 % of the children in Baja California identified with child obesity, the western state of the Republic of Mexico, is moving rapidly with sweeping changes to help radically reduce those high numbers which rank the country as the nation with the highest rate of child obesity in the world. Earlier this year, the Senate of Mexico approved a reform to help in its fight against child obesity. The proposed changes were submitted by the general secretary of the national union of education workers, Rafael Ochoa Guzman. The most glaring change in the reform is at the elementary school grade level requiring students to participate in a half hour (30 minutes) of daily exercise. This proposal received the endorsement from the House of Representatives. ''What remains an important aspect of this Senate approval is that the food at the schools have a higher nutrient contribution,'' said Oscar Millan, president of the health commission, adding that, ''For us, the battle of obesity is a priority.'' While some members of the Senate hoped the half hour of physical exercise could have been split in two 15 minute parts throughout the school day.