School Discipline Finally Flies Back to the Future

Child and adult obesity is a major concern in North American period. Thanks to McD's, Burger King, Wendy's and those cheap buffets. Then we have the carbonated soft drinks and energy drinks including Red Bull etc.. They all contain huge amounts of sugar and caffeine. Then we have the problem of i-pads, phones, desk tops and laptops. Kids and adults alike are spending too much time on these gadgets or glued to a TV. When we were kids we didn't have all that crap and we went outside and used our imagination to play with friends. You went in the house when then street lights came on, had a bath/shower because you were dirty from playing outside all day. Your head hit the pillow and were off to sleep and dream about the adventures ahead of you the next day. Life wasn't perfect but we had fun and we weren't overweight and gasping for breath just from climbing the stairs heading to bed or to the refrigerator. We all need to think about it. It may save your life.
You sure hit that square on the nail Mark. Put up a basket ball hoop or a tennis ball net and get the kids out there with parents and friends and that is quality time.