T56 Magnum Conversion

Are those Doug's or TTI headers?

I took a look at the new gearing for that transmission, that's nice! I've got a TUET11009 for mine, 2.66 first gear, which is down from the 3.09 I have now. But I've got a set of 4.30's to install in mine when I do the conversion. With the cam in my 340 I can't cruise at 1,800 rpm anyway. Right now with the 3.55's I'm turning 3,300 rpm to pull 70, with the T56 .63 6th and 4.30's it'll still be down to 2,500. Much below that and I'm out of my power range anyway.

They're TTI headers.

I'm surprised that your cam is so big that it won't cruise at a low RPM, my 227/231 duration at 0.050, .530/.530 Lift, 110 LSA Hydraulic Roller seems perfectly happy to pull the car around so long as you're above 1400 rpm. Perhaps the Fuel Injection helps somewhat but it seems pretty happy. Before, I'd drive around in 4th gear pretty much always before.

This is how far I got today - It's a lot of work to make a tunnel. The shape also has to clear the seats. The Driver's seat fits quite well, but the passenger seat will be extremely tight.