Clutch Adjustment

Bet they do. That's how I do it. If there is ANY freeplay and you don't ride the pedal then you are good to go.

I slide under the car, pull the fork to the rear so the fingers touch the bearing, run the adjusting nut up to just touching. Then I back it off until there is a 1/4 inch of freeplay at the pedal and lock it down.

It's how I do them all. Did it on my race car that I shifted at 8500.

For my semi retarded cousin I used 1/2 inch of freeplay. He rides the clutch like a *****. So he gets more freeplay.

All that dicking around with looking at the fingers is a waste of time IMO.
But in escence you are adjusting the gap between the bearing and the fingers. I do it visually and you do it with pedal free play. Real race cars have clutches that are adjusted with feeler gauges through the top. :poke::poke: