Rewarding experience.

Take care of your parents.

I helped my dad take care of his mom, she was almost completely bed-ridden, did not require attention 24 hrs, but when she did it was a right now thing.
It about broke my dad, he actually retired at 62 just to take care of her.
She did pass away comfortably in her home in her sleep.

My wife's dad also got real bad and came to live with us, he could still get around good, but mentally he was not there.

I got sent on a business trip for work and received a call that he had passed.

I could not get home in time to help her, I felt awful, until my wife said he acted fine, they were sitting on the front porch talking, and he said he was tired and wanted to take a nap.
She went to his room to check on him to ask him what he wanted for dinner and he was gone.