Rewarding experience.

I agree Robert, it’s a very rewarding experience. This is coming for me as well, as my mother in law is slipping into the depths of Alzheimer’s, and we will probably be moving there to help her. We have lots of people who comment on how hard it must be to take care of Nella, and what great parents we are. Personally, I don’t feel that’s not hard to take care of a person you love, and it is really a blessing, as you are finding out. I lived with my grandmother for years after my grandfather passed away, and it was the best thing I could have experienced. I learned so much that I wouldn’t have known, simply because I had time to spend with her every day, not just on infrequent visits.

As for being great parents to Nella, we do what we do because we are her parents and we love her, and I don’t feel special or somehow better than any other parent, who I assume would do the same as we do for her. Your mom gave her world for you brother, and it is a blessing to be able to repay that to her now!!