318 tear down... it’s about time.
Maybe things have changed now but 4 or 5 years ago when I did my motor I was hell-bent on stroking my 318. When I found out that not a lot of people are doing the 318 and the 318 had more expensive pistons then the 360 stroker Pistons. At the time I was hel- bent on stroking the 318, but when I basically found out they cost more than the 360 ? That didn't start making cubic sense? My machine shop sold me a 360 core for $150 and I never looked back. (But looking back I have bought 360s for 50 bucks but of course buying it from the shop it's pretty much guaranteed not to be cracked)
With all that said I'm definitely subscribe as I would have liked to known how my 318 would have done had I spent the extra money. It's really only 20 cubic inches here though, I doubt if it would make that much of a difference. It's still going to be a monster!