Stop in for a cup of coffee

The 292 purple shaft is a pretty stout cam... Definitely needs that single plane intake to match the RPM band.... :thumbsup:
Yes. He was using it for very short and quick drives.laugh2.gif
I'll be selling that.

Cleaned the engine a little and did some more inspecting.
Good news, Bad news.
Cracked head was a just trick of the digital camara, or a trick of the light.
Heads themselves having a casting number for '72 340s. ie. not X heads, which I should have guessed from outside O and Z. :(
Not the worst thing in the world, but its one reason I bought the engine. I wanted the X heads since we're not supposed to do any port work.

Brought the flexible single LED flashlight :) hey - I'll take small victories.
Inside the spark plug holes I could see a sharp line on the piston tops with valve reliefs and a small dimple.
So poking around the internet, they are probably TRW L2316 pistons or something like them. :)
If so, they should work well for what I'm going to do.

Some serious heavy duty stock style rockers. I'd consider those over the ductile iron.
